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It Gets Better UK

We exist to inspire, empower and uplift LGBTQ+ youth

About Us

It Gets Better is an international movement which envisions a world where all LGBTQ+ youth are free to live equally and know their worthiness and power as individuals. We strive to tell the stories of LGBTQ+ people and to provide positive and reassuring messages to LGBTQ+ young people.


Take the Pledge

I believe in a world where hope outshines fear. I commit to stand up and speak out against hate and intolerance.

My support for LGBTQ youth will be steadfast. I am part of a global community that is proud and resolute in its efforts to create a brighter, more inclusive world for all people.

I know it will get better.

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Take the Pledge

Latest Videos

Rev'd Augustine Tanner-Ihm
Carolyn Mercer

Top Videos

Jake Graf
Yasmin Benoit
Staff from Dentons
David Atherton
Mayor of London and City Hall Staff
Richie Anderson


Much of the power behind our team comes from our volunteers who generously share their time to make the world a better place for LGBTQ+ young people. 

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